Saturday, October 27, 2007

week 6 #15 on library 2.0 & web 2.0

I read about Rick Anderson, Michael Stephens and Chip Nilgres. Libraries have always been customer friendly very welcoming and in a couple of years there we look different from today libraries.

week 6: #14 getting not-so-technical with technorati

different ways to search for blogs

week 6: #13 tagging makes the web 2.0 world go around

It is an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed anywhere.

week 5 #12 the "Library" Elf will remind you

remind me when items are due, when holds are ready and about to expire and will give me a list of everything I have checked out.

week 5 #11 a thing about library thing

It is a online tool that allows you to easily create an online account and catolog of my own books, it also connects me to other people who have similar libraries and reading tastes

week 5: #10 play around with image generators

this is my favorite

week 4: #8 make life "really simple" with RSS and a newsreader

You stop at one location, one that I've created, reading the latest news information from all of my favorite places.

week 4 #9 finding feeds

Which method of finding feeds was the easiest for you to use? Which search tool was the easiest to use and which the most confusing? What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? Or what kind of unusual ones did you find? What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds

week 3 #7 photo editing tools

Originally uploaded by t.marymary
editing a photo using pixer, snipshot or picnik to post on my blog

week 3 #6 more flickr fun

I looked at colorpickr and found that I can choose the color on the color wheel to match a specific color. Went to the trip permap which allows me to graph a trip on the map and to trop planner tha lets me build a trave itinerary and pictures.

Friday, October 26, 2007