Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Web According to Google #88: Wave, Buzz, and Mobile

Google Wave and Buzz what is this? It is a online collaboration that I have never used. I am happy it is there for everybody else. I know that if in the future if I would ever need it, it is there for me. I read a little on Google Mobile and the list is endless so much to do from your phone search the internet, maps, gmail, you tube, news and buzz, The applications that I would use the most is gmail so that I could check on my emails and you tube for watching videos and google news to be up to date with all sorts of information.

The Web According to Google #87: Google Reader

I took the tour and signed-up for the Google Reader. I am likely to use it. I currently do not use a feed reader. I think it will help me keep trackof my favorite websites, be able to share with my friends and family, and I am able to read it one the go anywhere anytime. I visited some of my favorite websites. The ones I use on a daily basis, and subscribed to them one of them being hcpl and cfisd.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Web According to Google #86: Calenders and Documents

I created a calendar in Google calendar and added my husbands birthday party and mother's day gathering as some events. I would use Google Calendar at home and at work because of its convenience and also for the reason that I'm able to share with my family and friends. I can access it form home, work, and school anywhere I can get internet. Easy to reach and to use. I also created a file with Google documents and uploaded one from my computer. Without a doubt I clearly see myself using Google documents instead of a desktop office application due to the fact that all my documents are online having access to them and being able to obtain them anywhere at whatever time.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Web According to Google #85: Resistance is Futile

Google products that I use on a regular basis is gmail. I checked out Google Labs the new products that I would like to try are Aardvark. You can ask a question and they will find someone to answer. I mean any question you may have. I think me and my son would really benefit from it. It will come in handy for the spur of the moment questions that he's asking. the one I found very interesting is Tashkeel is when if I understand correctly is a tool that adds missing diacritics to Arabic text. More like "your wish is my command" just tell me what you need to know.
Google Books Wow, amazing everything right at your fingertips. There is so much to choose from. I think it can be used by the library because of the convenience, no clutter just log into a computer. At the end of the day not having to clean up stacks of magazines that are left on tables and shelves.